Novel Tea Book Shop
By Unknown Means
By Unknown Means
How far will he go to stop a ruthless drug smuggler?
Is it possible Michael Callaway’s ex-girlfriend, Carrie Marvin, is in cahoots with one of the world’s most notorious drug smugglers? Former U.S. Customs Enforcement Agent, Michael Callaway, has plenty of free time on his hands to figure out what she’s up to, since an enormous lottery payout let him quit the job he was just about to be fired from.
The drug kingpin Carrie’s working for is Anton Drake. Expatriated Englishman. Former Royal Navy Commander. Corrupter of the Bahamian government. Maker and smuggler of cocaine. Ruthless killer. Pure evil. As a DEA agent, Carrie always had a deadly grudge against drug dealers. Did she sell out, or does she have a good reason to go from law enforcer to law breaker?
Michael’s determined to figure out how Drake’s moving drugs from his private island. And just because Carrie’s his ex doesn’t mean Michael stopped caring about her. Michael’s always done things by the book. But in a deadly race for their lives, maybe it’s time to throw the book away.