Kelly Lowe
An Astrologer's Journey: My Life with the Stars
An Astrologer's Journey: My Life with the Stars
An Astrologer’s Journey is an entertaining and inspirational voyage through a life guided by the stars. You don’t need to “speak” astrology to enjoy Kelly Lowe’s secrets to living a happier, more fulfilling life through astrology. She relives 30 years of stimulating experiences, during which she convinces many others to “come on board” and make her passage their own. Whether or not you are a follower of astrology, you will enjoy this journey and come away with a deeper understanding of how this ancient practice can help anyone sail with more favorable winds on life’s changing seas. It’s filled with entertaining stories and insights that will help make life’s difficult cycles easier to navigate. Kelly Lowe is an astrological counselor, teacher and author whose special talent lies in helping clients to understand themselves and cope with difficult cycles in their lives. A past president of the Astrological Research Guild, she has taught astrology at Seminole State College and Daytona State College, and has appeared on national television and as a regular guest on numerous radio shows.